Top Plastic Surgeon Reviews

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North Carolina

Plastic Surgeons Ranked in Order of
Their Ratings and Reviews (Summary)

All Ratings Above 4 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Plastic Surgeon Total
1 Miguel A. Yáñez, MD 2885
2 Theodore T. Nyame, MD 2655
3 Gregory A. Mantooth, MD 2507
4 Steven A. Siciliano, MD 2448
5 Andrew M. Schneider, MD 2345
6 Brian S. Coan, MD 2287
7 Daniel T. Ness, MD 2275
8 Jean-Pierre Riou, MD 2244
9 Gaurav Bharti, MD 2171
10 Peter J. Capizzi, MD 2007
11 Parag Butala, MD 1890
12 Eric T. Emerson, MD 1868
13 John Zannis, MD 1867
14 Michael Law, MD 1705
15 Karen M. Buckley, MD 1563
16 Christopher J. Morea, MD 1558
17 Jeremy Pyle, MD 1553
18 Edward Bednar, MD 1451
19 George A. Lawson, MD 1365
20 Robert Graper, MD 1296
21 Edward Ricciardelli, MD 1287
22 Michael R. Zenn, MD 1256
23 Jeffrey A. Ditesheim, MD 1247
24 Victor S. Ferrari, MD 1208
25 Glenn M. Davis, MD 1129
26 William D. Franks, MD 1093
27 Mark W. Morgan, MD 1078
28 Erik J. Miles, MD 1062
29 Bill G. Kortesis, MD 1050
30 Thomas G. Liszka, MD 1028
31 David F. Klein, MD 1019
32 Shruti C. Tannan, MD 997
33 Bryan K. Criswell, MD 934
34 Joseph P. Hunstad, MD 910
35 William T. Stoeckel, MD 883
36 Detlev Erdmann, MD 875
37 W. Byron W. Barber, MD 831
38 Cynthia L. Diehl, MD 826
39 Gilson J. Kingman, MD 822
40 Colette A. Stern, MD 734
41 Laurence I. Arnold, MD 714
42 John A. Fagg, MD 676
43 Eric Halvorson, MD 658
44 Leslie Branch, MD 619
45 Michael S. Gart, MD 596
46 Andrew Gear, MD 460
47 Steven M. Zoellner, MD 460
48 Jack F. Scheuer III, MD 460
49 David Nowicky, MD 413
50 Frederick K. Park, MD 392
51 Joseph A. Franklin, MD 384
52 Jeffrey Church, MD 382
53 Vincent E. Voci, MD 374
54 Donald R. Conway, MD 336
55 Kenneth S. White, MD 336
56 James Z. Appel, MD 327
57 Virgil Willard, MD 274
58 Thomas J. Rojy, MD 254
59 Rosiane A. Roeder, MD 236
60 Tomar Reisler, MD 230
61 Richard Rizzuti, MD 229
62 Richard E. Carlino, MD 211
63 Duncan B. Hughes, MD 203
64 Roger S. Collins, MD 198
65 Robert T. Buchanan, MD 197
66 Sanjay V. Daluvoy, MD 192
67 Jeffrey Pokorny, MD 188
68 Samuel J. Roy, MD 182
69 Howard Holderness, MD 168
70 Scott T. Hollenbeck, MD 146
71 Cindy Wu, MD 136
72 Benjamin R. Eskenazi, MD 135
73 Brenda M. Draper, MD 115
74 Nicholas W. Clavin, MD 112
75 Damon Anagnos, MD 110
76 Ashley R. Chandler, MD 90
77 Kristen M. Rezak, MD 88
78 James B. Shearer, MD 88
79 Adam J. Katz, MD 74
80 David C. Fisher, MD 67
81 Sandra J. Fearrington, MD 63
82 David A. Brown, MD 61
83 Phillip D. Khan, MD 56
84 Joseph A. Molnar, MD 54
85 Edward Teng, MD 51
86 Alexander Allori, MD 40
87 Stephen T. Elkins-Williams, MD 36
88 John M. Robinson, MD 34
89 Philip A. Strawther, MD 21
90 Yifan Guo, MD 20
91 Nishant Bhatt, MD 15
92 Collier S. Pace, MD 10
93 Christopher M. Runyan, MD 10
94 Brett T. Phillips, MD 5
95 Jeyhan S. Wood, MD 5
96 Michael F. Reynolds, MD 5
Some Ratings Below 3 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Plastic Surgeon Total
144 Gregory M. Swank, MD 1566
145 Ryan M. Garcia, MD 786
146 William J. Bicket, MD 124
147 Enamul Haque, MD 116
148 Howard Levinson, MD 71
149 Elisa A. Stein, MD 59
150 William A. Lambeth, MD 52

Detailed Ratings and Reviews

→ Entire Table Scrolls Right to Show Details. →
Plastic Surgeons with All Ratings Above 4 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Total score Plastic Surgeon Office Location Vitals Healthgrades Realself Google Grand Total
Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total
1 2885 Miguel A. Yáñez, MD Charlotte 4.9 185 907 4.9 365 1789 4.5 13 59 4.7 28 132 2885
2 2655 Theodore T. Nyame, MD Charlotte 4.8 169 811 4.9 114 559 5.0 114 570 5.0 143 715 2655
3 2507 Gregory A. Mantooth, MD Charlotte 4.8 184 883 4.9 303 1485 4.8 17 82 4.4 13 57 2507
4 2448 Steven A. Siciliano, MD Hickory 4.9 223 1093 5.0 266 1330 5.0 5 25 2448
5 2345 Andrew M. Schneider, MD Winston-Salem 5.0 162 810 4.9 158 774 5.0 9 45 4.9 146 715 2345
6 2287 Brian S. Coan, MD Cary 4.7 168 790 4.9 75 368 5.0 226 1130 2287
7 2275 Daniel T. Ness, MD Gastonia 4.7 166 780 4.9 260 1274 4.6 16 74 4.9 30 147 2275
8 2244 Jean-Pierre Riou, MD Cornelius 4.6 60 276 4.5 55 248 5.0 344 1720 2244
9 2171 Gaurav Bharti, MD Charlotte 4.8 78 374 4.9 86 421 5.0 224 1120 5.0 51 255 2171
10 2007 Peter J. Capizzi, MD Charlotte 4.0 51 204 4.3 13 56 4.8 137 658 4.8 227 1090 2007
11 1890 Parag Butala, MD Gastonia 5.0 131 655 4.9 182 892 5.0 14 70 4.8 57 274 1890
12 1868 Eric T. Emerson, MD Gastonia 4.9 129 632 4.8 164 787 4.7 33 155 4.9 60 294 1868
13 1867 John Zannis, MD New Bern 4.2 74 311 4.4 62 273 4.5 88 396 4.6 193 888 1867
14 1705 Michael Law, MD Raleigh 4.3 42 181 4.2 30 126 4.8 207 994 4.6 88 405 1705
15 1563 Karen M. Buckley, MD Greenville 4.2 14 59 5.0 2 10 4.7 318 1495 1563
16 1558 Christopher J. Morea, MD Raleigh 4.2 37 155 4.4 27 119 4.9 262 1284 1558
17 1553 Jeremy Pyle, MD Raleigh 4.7 59 277 4.7 68 320 4.9 175 858 4.7 21 99 1553
18 1451 Edward Bednar, MD Charlotte 4.3 19 82 4.8 33 158 4.7 222 1043 4.3 39 168 1451
19 1365 George A. Lawson, MD Winston-Salem 5.0 73 365 4.9 73 358 5.0 5 25 4.9 126 617 1365
20 1296 Robert Graper, MD Charlotte 4.1 77 316 4.6 174 800 4.5 40 180 1296
21 1287 Edward Ricciardelli, MD Wilmington 4.4 60 264 4.6 41 189 4.8 164 787 4.3 11 47 1287
22 1256 Michael R. Zenn, MD Raleigh 4.8 34 163 4.6 18 83 5.0 89 445 5.0 113 565 1256
23 1247 Jeffrey A. Ditesheim, MD Charlotte 4.6 32 147 4.5 25 113 4.7 107 503 4.7 103 484 1247
24 1208 Victor S. Ferrari, MD Matthews 4.8 115 552 5.0 88 440 4.9 44 216 1208
25 1129 Glenn M. Davis, MD Raleigh 4.7 82 385 4.6 32 147 4.9 96 470 4.2 30 126 1129
26 1093 William D. Franks, MD Charlotte 4.7 127 597 4.5 40 180 4.6 23 106 4.2 50 210 1093
27 1078 Mark W. Morgan, MD Wilmington 4.2 12 50 4.9 99 485 5.0 32 160 4.9 78 382 1078
28 1062 Erik J. Miles, MD Huntersville 4.3 19 82 4.0 20 80 5.0 82 410 4.9 100 490 1062
29 1050 Bill G. Kortesis, MD Huntersville 4.7 72 338 4.6 25 115 4.9 107 524 4.5 16 72 1050
30 1028 Thomas G. Liszka, MD Charlotte 4.8 82 394 4.7 59 277 4.7 27 127 4.8 48 230 1028
31 1019 David F. Klein, MD Concord 4.8 117 562 4.5 15 68 5.0 31 155 4.9 48 235 1019
32 997 Shruti C. Tannan, MD Raleigh 5.0 16 80 5.0 54 270 4.9 132 647 997
33 934 Bryan K. Criswell, MD Charlotte 4.7 30 141 5.0 11 55 4.9 84 412 4.6 71 327 934
34 910 Joseph P. Hunstad, MD Huntersville 4.3 103 443 4.1 27 111 4.6 62 285 4.2 17 71 910
35 883 William T. Stoeckel, MD Cary 4.7 30 141 4.5 16 72 4.8 115 552 4.7 25 118 883
36 875 Detlev Erdmann, MD Durham 4.5 74 333 4.8 72 346 5.0 7 35 4.9 33 162 875
37 831 W. Byron W. Barber, MD Greensboro 4.2 30 126 4.7 9 42 5.0 1 5 4.8 137 658 831
38 826 Cynthia L. Diehl, MD Raleigh 4.4 25 110 4.6 11 51 5.0 34 170 4.9 101 495 826
39 822 Gilson J. Kingman, MD Winston-Salem 4.8 49 235 4.9 37 181 5.0 1 5 5.0 80 400 822
40 734 Colette A. Stern, MD Asheville 4.6 47 216 4.6 45 207 4.9 38 186 5.0 25 125 734
41 714 Laurence I. Arnold, MD Asheville 4.6 32 147 4.8 78 374 4.5 4 18 4.7 37 174 714
42 676 John A. Fagg, MD Winston-Salem 4.6 51 235 4.9 54 265 4.9 36 176 676
43 658 Eric Halvorson, MD Asheville 4.3 12 52 4.6 8 37 5.0 12 60 4.9 104 510 658
44 619 Leslie Branch, MD Winston-Salem 5.0 10 50 5.0 3 15 4.9 113 554 619
45 596 Michael S. Gart, MD Charlotte 4.9 40 196 5.0 80 400 596
46 460 Andrew Gear, MD Charlotte 4.8 4 19 4.9 90 441 460
47 460 Steven M. Zoellner, MD Pinehurst 4.5 33 149 4.8 17 82 5.0 13 65 5.0 33 165 460
48 460 Jack F. Scheuer III, MD Charlotte 5.0 3 15 5.0 33 165 5.0 56 280 460
49 413 David Nowicky, MD Charlotte 4.4 56 246 4.5 37 167 413
50 392 Frederick K. Park, MD Rocky Mount 4.7 33 155 5.0 20 100 5.0 17 85 4.0 13 52 392
51 384 Joseph A. Franklin, MD Cary 4.4 8 35 4.3 38 163 5.0 17 85 5.0 20 100 384
52 382 Jeffrey Church, MD Wilmington 4.1 15 62 5.0 36 180 5.0 24 120 5.0 4 20 382
53 374 Vincent E. Voci, MD Charlotte 4.0 25 100 5.0 3 15 4.8 5 24 4.9 48 235 374
54 336 Donald R. Conway, MD Asheville 4.3 20 86 4.1 17 70 4.4 6 26 4.4 35 154 336
55 336 Kenneth S. White, MD Wilmington 4.0 24 96 4.8 35 168 4.2 5 21 4.6 11 51 336
56 327 James Z. Appel, MD Charlotte 4.3 35 151 4.1 16 66 4.6 24 110 327
57 274 Virgil Willard, MD High Point 4.4 45 198 4.7 12 56 4.0 5 20 274
58 254 Thomas J. Rojy, MD Jacksonville 4.8 25 120 4.1 18 74 5.0 12 60 254
59 236 Rosiane A. Roeder, MD Hickory 5.0 9 45 4.9 37 181 5.0 2 10 236
60 230 Tomar Reisler, MD Greenville 5.0 20 100 5.0 26 130 230
61 229 Richard Rizzuti, MD Greenville 4.6 25 115 5.0 5 25 4.6 15 69 4.0 5 20 229
62 211 Richard E. Carlino, MD Raleigh 4.9 11 54 4.6 16 74 5.0 6 30 4.9 11 54 211
63 203 Duncan B. Hughes, MD Raleigh 4.6 9 41 5.0 4 20 4.8 19 91 5.0 10 50 203
64 198 Roger S. Collins, MD Raleigh 4.0 34 136 4.4 14 62 198
65 197 Robert T. Buchanan, MD Highlands 4.8 17 82 5.0 5 25 5.0 12 60 4.4 7 31 197
66 192 Sanjay V. Daluvoy, MD Raleigh 4.3 11 47 4.8 24 115 4.2 7 29 192
67 188 Jeffrey Pokorny, MD Elizabeth 4.0 24 96 4.8 13 62 5.0 6 30 188
68 182 Samuel J. Roy, MD Salisbury 5.0 3 15 4.9 28 137 5.0 1 5 5.0 5 25 182
69 168 Howard Holderness, MD Greensboro 4.0 21 84 4.1 14 57 4.3 5 22 5.0 1 5 168
70 146 Scott T. Hollenbeck, MD Durham 4.1 21 86 4.5 10 45 5.0 3 15 146
71 136 Cindy Wu, MD Cary 4.3 6 26 5.0 21 105 5.0 1 5 136
72 135 Benjamin R. Eskenazi, MD Gastonia 5.0 3 15 4.8 25 120 135
73 115 Brenda M. Draper, MD Asheville 4.6 10 46 4.8 5 24 5.0 9 45 115
74 112 Nicholas W. Clavin, MD Charlotte 5.0 20 100 4.0 3 12 112
75 110 Damon Anagnos, MD Boone 4.9 7 34 4.7 13 61 5.0 2 10 5.0 1 5 110
76 90 Ashley R. Chandler, MD Charlotte 5.0 6 30 5.0 7 35 5.0 5 25 90
77 88 Kristen M. Rezak, MD Durham 4.4 11 48 5.0 7 35 5.0 1 5 88
78 88 James B. Shearer, MD Charlotte 4.2 9 38 5.0 6 30 5.0 4 20 88
79 74 Adam J. Katz, MD Winston-Salem 4.4 10 44 5.0 6 30 74
80 67 David C. Fisher, MD Charlotte 5.0 3 15 4.0 4 16 4.5 8 36 67
81 63 Sandra J. Fearrington, MD Cary 4.3 6 26 4.6 8 37 63
82 61 David A. Brown, MD Durham 4.4 13 57 4.0 1 4 61
83 56 Phillip D. Khan, MD Southport 4.2 6 25 4.4 7 31 56
84 54 Joseph A. Molnar, MD Winston-Salem 4.6 7 32 5.0 2 10 4.0 3 12 54
85 51 Edward Teng, MD Charlotte 4.6 11 51 51
86 40 Alexander Allori, MD Durham 5.0 4 20 4.0 5 20 40
87 36 Stephen T. Elkins-Williams, MD Chapel Hill 4.7 3 14 4.3 5 22 36
88 34 John M. Robinson, MD Charlotte 4.9 7 34 34
89 21 Philip A. Strawther, MD Huntersville 4.2 5 21 21
90 20 Yifan Guo, MD Greenville 5.0 2 10 5.0 2 10 20
91 15 Nishant Bhatt, MD Chapel Hill 5.0 2 10 5.0 1 5 15
92 10 Collier S. Pace, MD Greensboro 5.0 2 10 10
93 10 Christopher M. Runyan, MD Winston Salem 5.0 2 10 10
94 5 Brett T. Phillips, MD Durham 5.0 1 5 5
95 5 Jeyhan S. Wood, MD Chapel Hill 5.0 1 5 5
96 5 Michael F. Reynolds, MD High Point 5.0 1 5 5
→ Entire Table Scrolls Right to Show Details. →
Plastic Surgeons with Some Ratings Between 3-4 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Total score Plastic Surgeon Office Location Vitals Healthgrades Realself Google Grand Total
Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total
97 1597 Benson Timmons, MD Gastonia 4.9 176 862 4.8 132 634 4.9 16 78 3.7 6 22 1597
98 934 Russell B. Stokes, MD Pinehurst 4.8 160 768 3.6 23 83 4.3 7 30 3.3 16 53 934
99 927 Saira H. Saini, MD Fayetteville 3.4 22 75 3.9 36 140 4.0 12 48 4.2 158 664 927
100 783 James G. Harper, MD Charlotte 4.3 22 95 3.9 15 59 5.0 105 525 5.0 21 105 783
101 688 Kara K. Criswell, MD Charlotte 4.5 40 180 3.9 11 43 4.7 99 465 688
102 542 Adam C. Augenstein, MD Charlotte 4.2 23 97 3.4 7 24 4.9 69 338 4.9 17 83 542
103 541 Charles R. Kays, MD Wilmington 3.3 34 112 4.7 50 235 3.7 10 37 4.9 32 157 541
104 529 Hampton A. Howell, MD Winston-Salem 3.4 12 41 4.4 15 66 4.9 82 402 5.0 4 20 529
105 520 David C. Matthews, MD Charlotte 4.6 67 308 3.9 19 74 4.9 28 137 520
106 495 Juan Ortiz, MD Raleigh 3.6 8 29 3.3 3 10 4.6 31 143 4.9 64 314 495
107 426 Kevin L. Smith, MD Charlotte 3.0 16 48 3.5 11 39 4.9 56 274 5.0 13 65 426
108 412 Tor Martin M. Ljung, MD Wilmington 4.1 30 123 3.7 27 100 4.9 7 34 5.0 31 155 412
109 395 Scott L. Tucker, MD Winston-Salem 3.7 27 100 3.6 15 54 4.9 44 216 5.0 5 25 395
110 314 Stephan J. Finical, MD Charlotte 4.3 25 108 3.9 14 55 4.9 31 152 314
111 312 Matthew W. Blanton, MD Raleigh 3.0 2 6 4.7 14 66 5.0 29 145 5.0 19 95 312
112 297 Peter A. Kreymerman, MD Morehead City 4.1 41 168 3.9 11 43 4.8 18 86 297
113 288 Peter S. Klainer, MD Morehead City 3.3 60 198 5.0 18 90 288
114 274 Keelee J. MacPhee, MD Durham 3.7 18 67 3.7 18 67 4.7 30 141 274
115 262 Rhett High, MD Raleigh 3.1 29 90 3.2 19 61 3.7 11 41 3.9 18 70 262
116 243 Gregory S. Georgiade, MD Durham 4.1 34 139 3.9 17 66 3.0 2 6 4.4 7 31 243
117 241 Walter W. Caulfield, MD Gastonia 4.3 28 120 4.1 18 74 3.7 6 22 3.1 8 25 241
118 238 Benjamin Eskra, MD Kinston 3.9 28 109 4.5 15 68 4.3 13 56 5.0 1 5 238
119 229 Laura A. Gunn, MD Durham 4.7 6 28 3.9 15 59 5.0 14 70 4.5 16 72 229
120 229 W. Glenn Lyle, MD Raleigh 4.2 11 46 3.0 9 27 4.5 19 86 5.0 14 70 229
121 228 Adam G. Ravin, MD Concord 4.5 20 90 3.5 12 42 5.0 9 45 4.6 11 51 228
122 224 Mary A. Contogiannis, MD Greensboro 3.9 20 78 3.3 12 40 4.4 14 62 3.7 12 44 224
123 214 David C. Best, MD Greensboro 3.8 24 91 4.5 24 108 5.0 3 15 214
124 214 Malcolm W. Marks, MD Winston-Salem 4.4 32 141 3.8 11 42 3.7 4 15 3.4 5 17 214
125 205 Brinda Thimmappa, MD Greensboro 3.9 21 82 4.0 16 64 5.0 2 10 4.1 12 49 205
126 194 Lisa R. David, MD Winston-Salem 3.5 22 77 3.8 20 76 5.0 2 10 4.4 7 31 194
127 188 Michael E. Beasley, MD Charlotte 3.8 18 68 3.7 12 44 5.0 11 55 5.0 4 20 188
128 187 Lynn A. Damitz, MD Chapel Hill 3.8 27 103 4.0 12 48 4.5 8 36 187
129 178 Gregory L. Ruff, MD Chapel Hill 3.7 15 56 4.2 15 63 4.6 13 60 178
130 168 Anthony J. DeFranzo, MD Winston-Salem 4.4 16 70 5.0 9 45 5.0 6 30 3.7 6 22 168
131 166 William L. Overstreet, MD Hendersonville 3.9 22 86 5.0 12 60 5.0 2 10 5.0 2 10 166
132 136 Michelle C. Roughton, MD Chapel Hill 3.7 12 44 3.8 11 42 5.0 10 50 136
133 135 David M. Bowers, MD Greensboro 3.9 19 74 4.0 4 16 4.3 3 13 4.0 8 32 135
134 119 Claire Sanger, MD Greensboro 4.5 16 72 3.8 11 42 5.0 1 5 119
135 116 Richard S. Zeri, MD Greenville 4.7 11 52 5.0 9 45 3.2 6 19 116
136 110 Judie L. Garrison, MD Greenville 3.3 7 23 3.9 7 27 5.0 11 55 5.0 1 5 110
137 78 Jennifer C. Carr, MD Chapel Hill 5.0 1 5 3.4 20 68 5.0 1 5 78
138 76 Arthur CalabRetta, MD Charlotte 3.5 17 60 4.0 4 16 76
139 71 Donald L. Oschwald, MD Raleigh 5.0 2 10 4.3 6 26 3.8 4 15 5.0 4 20 71
140 61 Snehankita G. Kulkarni, MD Charlotte 4.0 4 16 3.0 10 30 3.8 4 15 61
141 43 Jason M. Korn, MD Concord 3.1 14 43 43
142 42 Adam R. Purzycki, MD Cary 3.7 6 22 5.0 4 20 42
143 11 Sarah R. Sher, MD Asheville 3.0 2 6 5.0 1 5 11
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Plastic Surgeons with Some Ratings Below 3 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Total score Plastic Surgeon Office Location Vitals Healthgrades Realself Google Grand Total
Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total
144 1566 Gregory M. Swank, MD Hickory 4.8 167 802 4.7 143 672 4.8 14 67 2.8 9 25 1566
145 786 Ryan M. Garcia, MD Charlotte 1.0 1 1 4.7 75 353 4.8 90 432 786
146 124 William J. Bicket, MD Matthews 2.9 21 61 3.5 18 63 124
147 116 Enamul Haque, MD Charlotte 4.0 4 16 1.0 2 2 4.6 18 83 5.0 3 15 116
148 71 Howard Levinson, MD Durham 5.0 1 5 4.1 13 53 2.6 5 13 71
149 59 Elisa A. Stein, MD High Point 3.7 11 41 2.6 5 13 5.0 1 5 59
150 52 William A. Lambeth, MD Raleigh 2.2 10 22 5.0 6 30 52
See the ratings of Plastic Surgeons in other locations.

How to Read the Tables

SCORE: The "score" column for each review site lists the average score assigned to that doctor by the people who posted ratings on that review website. Each site uses a scale from 1-5, with 5 being the highest rating possible.

  • Green Boxes: Average Score is between 4-5
  • Yellow Boxes: Average Score is between 3.0-3.9
  • Red Boxes: Average Score is between 1.0-2.9
  • Clear Boxes: When there is no score to report for this doctor on this review site, the box remains blank

#: The "#" column lists the number of reviewers who posted ratings and reviews for each doctor on each review site.

TOTAL: The "Total" column is the product of the score and the number of reviewers.

GRAND TOTAL: The "Grand Total" column is the sum of the "Total" scores from each review site. Plastic surgeons are listed in order of their Grand Total Scores, from highest to lowest, within each section.

  • GREEN Grand Total Boxes: Grand Total Boxes are colored GREEN when the doctor received average scores of 4.0 or higher from each of the ratings sites that reported ratings for the doctor.
  • YELLOW Grand Total Boxes: Grand Total Boxes are colored YELLOW when the doctor received an average score of 3.0-3.9 from at least one of the ratings sites.
  • RED Grand Total Boxes: Grand Total Boxes are colored RED when the doctor received an average score of 1.0 to 2.9 from at least one of the ratings sites.

SECTIONS: Plastic surgeons were divided into three sections, based upon their Grand Total Box color:

  • GREEN Section: The plastic surgeons who received average ratings of 4.0 or higher from all source sites appear in the green section and are ranked from highest to lowest Grand Total within that section.
  • YELLOW Section: The plastic surgeons who received one or more average score of 3.0-3.9 appear in the yellow section and are ranked from highest to lowest Grand Total within that section.
  • RED Section: The plastic surgeons who received one or more average score below 3.0 appear in the red section and are ranked from highest to lowest Grand Total within that section.

EMPTY BOXES: Empty white boxes indicate that we were unable to find ratings for that doctor on that ratings site. There could be many reasons for this including that the ratings site used a different spelling or location for the doctor than the ones that the American Board of Plastic Surgery used; it could mean things, none of which would suggest that there is something wrong with the doctor. As such, empty boxes neither count for nor against a doctors' score on Top Plastic Surgeon Reviews.

Things to Make Note of as You Review the Tables

Plastic Surgeons on this Site: This website includes plastic surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Doctors who perform plastic surgery but who are not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery are not included on this site. Top Plastic Surgeon Reviews uses ABPS's website to determine which plastic surgeons are certified by ABPS (vs certified by another board) and which plastic surgeons are active (vs retired). With regard to the latter, ABPS' website is not infallible, so we sometimes include plastic surgeons who are retired, but who are still listed as active by ABPS. Evidently, retiring plastic surgeons routinely fail to notify the ABPS (as well as the ratings websites) that they have retired, so their inclusion on this site is inevitable unless we are informed otherwise. If you are aware that any of the plastic surgeons listed above have retired, then please let us know so that we may update our database.

Ratings Sites: There are sites beyond those listed here which provide physician reviews, but not all review sites could be included for practical reasons. The plastic surgery review sites which, in the opinion of, are the most popular and most pertinent were selected for this website. We have observed that the ratings and reviews for most plastic surgeons tend to be consistent across all ratings sites, so inclusion of additional sites would not likely change the ratings for most plastic surgeons in a significant way.

Few Ratings: Keep in mind that if a doctor has few ratings, this does not mean that the doctor is not a competent plastic surgeon. It may mean that the doctor does not perform as much surgery as the other doctors, or that the doctor has not been in practice as long, or that the doctor patients do not typically write online reviews, or a variety of other reasons.

Low Ratings: If a doctor has received ratings that placed the doctor in the yellow or red section, this also does not mean that s/he is not a good plastic surgeon. All it means is that they have one or more unfavorable ratings. And there are many reasons why good doctors can sometimes have unfavorable ratings including the following: 1) A complication or bad result (all plastic surgeons have them) which caused a patient to write one or more bad reviews. This may not mean that the doctor did anything wrong, even though the patient thought so. In other words, the same complications could have occurred no matter which plastic surgeon operated on the patient who wrote the unfavorable review(s). 2) Bad reviews placed fraudulently by someone wishing to damage the plastic surgeon's reputation (yes, this happens). In these cases, the plastic surgeon typically has little recourse with the ratings site, and they cannot do anything about it. 3) Misplaced ratings: There are cases in which a patient unintentionally rated the wrong doctor due to commonality of one doctor's name with another's. These situations are most obvious when the patient includes details of care indicating that the care was in a specialty different than that of the doctor who received the rating. 4) Occasionally, a doctor receives a glowing review and only one out of five stars from the patient who wrote the review. In these cases, the patient might have been thinking "#1" for "first place," but no one will ever know. In these situations the doctor's average score is pulled down by the rating, even though it should have been raised by receiving a high rating. There are many reasons why a low score does not necessarily correlate with the care that a doctor delivers. This is why visitors to this site should not attempt to read anything into a low score. Visitors should instead use this site as a gateway to the source sites (,,, and to see the ratings and read all of the reviews themselves. By visiting the source sites, a visitor will much more easily be able to interpret the validity of all scores.