Top Plastic Surgeon Reviews

The ONLY Super-Review Website for Plastic Surgeons

The Florida Panhandle

Plastic Surgeons Ranked in Order of
Their Ratings and Reviews (Summary)

Some Ratings Between 3-4 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Plastic Surgeon Total
12 Benjamin Brown, MD 1602
13 Peter N. Butler, MD 957
14 Jocelyn Leveque, MD 613
15 Phillip H. Nunnery, MD 434
16 Ben J. Kirbo, MD 378
17 James D. Frost, MD 259
18 John H. Tiller, MD 236
19 David T. Chandler, MD 206
20 Marcos R. Ortega, MD 202
21 Laurence Z. Rosenberg, MD 187
22 Teodoro K. Ortega, MD 144
23 Patrick M. Kelley, MD 131
Some Ratings Below 3 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Plastic Surgeon Total
24 Kyle K. Shaddix, MD 1475
25 Tong C. Duong, MD 51

Detailed Ratings and Reviews

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Plastic Surgeons with All Ratings Above 4 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Total score Plastic Surgeon Office Location Vitals Healthgrades Realself Google Grand Total
Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total
1 1682 Adil Ceydeli, MD Lynn Haven 4.7 114 536 4.8 89 427 4.9 102 500 4.3 51 219 1682
2 1568 William Burden, MD Destin 4.3 113 486 4.3 44 189 4.8 186 893 1568
3 950 James R. Piorkowski, MD Gulf Breeze 4.8 66 317 4.8 66 317 4.8 66 317 950
4 787 Nathan Patterson, MD Pensacola 4.0 40 160 4.7 25 118 4.6 25 115 4.7 84 395 787
5 752 Alfredo A. Paredes, MD Tallahassee 4.3 8 34 5.0 14 70 5.0 8 40 4.9 124 608 752
6 474 Jeffrey M. Rawlings, MD Tallahassee 4.2 30 126 4.3 18 77 5.0 9 45 4.9 46 225 474
7 363 Larry Harper, MD Tallahassee 4.2 20 84 4.5 16 72 5.0 5 25 4.8 38 182 363
8 250 Raymond Mockler, MD Panama City 4.1 23 94 4.6 10 46 5.0 3 15 5.0 19 95 250
9 111 Steven J. Clark, MD Santa Rosa Beach 4.3 13 56 5.0 5 25 5.0 6 30 111
10 87 Leo C. Derosier, MD Tallahassee 4.0 13 52 5.0 7 35 87
11 15 William A. Scroggs, MD Niceville 5.0 2 10 5.0 1 5 15
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Plastic Surgeons with Some Ratings Between 3-4 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Total score Plastic Surgeon Office Location Vitals Healthgrades Realself Google Grand Total
Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total
12 1602 Benjamin Brown, MD Pensacola 3.9 22 86 3.9 11 43 5.0 116 580 4.8 186 893 1602
13 957 Peter N. Butler, MD Pensacola 3.3 29 96 4.4 13 57 4.9 112 549 5.0 51 255 957
14 613 Jocelyn Leveque, MD Pensacola 3.6 17 61 4.6 11 51 5.0 68 340 4.6 35 161 613
15 434 Phillip H. Nunnery, MD Panama City 4.2 38 160 3.9 15 59 4.6 24 110 4.2 25 105 434
16 378 Ben J. Kirbo, MD Tallahassee 3.1 21 65 3.9 23 90 4.7 35 165 4.2 14 59 378
17 259 James D. Frost, MD Pensacola 3.6 34 122 4.4 14 62 4.5 11 50 5.0 5 25 259
18 236 John H. Tiller, MD Pensacola 3.8 35 133 4.2 11 46 4.7 12 56 236
19 206 David T. Chandler, MD Santa Rosa Beach 3.9 22 86 5.0 17 85 5.0 7 35 206
20 202 Marcos R. Ortega, MD Pensacola 3.7 32 118 4.0 4 16 4.5 15 68 202
21 187 Laurence Z. Rosenberg, MD Tallahassee 4.5 15 68 3.7 21 78 4.2 10 42 187
22 144 Teodoro K. Ortega, MD Pensacola 4.0 12 48 3.3 23 76 4.5 2 9 3.7 3 11 144
23 131 Patrick M. Kelley, MD Panama City 3.4 21 71 3.7 12 44 3.7 4 15 131
→ Entire Table Scrolls Right to Show Details. →
Plastic Surgeons with Some Ratings Below 3 (Out of 5 Stars)
Rank Total score Plastic Surgeon Office Location Vitals Healthgrades Realself Google Grand Total
Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total Score # Total
24 1475 Kyle K. Shaddix, MD Pensacola 4.6 24 110 2.5 8 20 5.0 102 510 5.0 167 835 1475
25 51 Tong C. Duong, MD Lynn Haven 4.0 8 32 3.0 2 6 5.0 2 10 1.0 3 3 51
See the ratings of Plastic Surgeons in other locations.

How to Read the Tables

SCORE: The "score" column for each review site lists the average score assigned to that doctor by the people who posted ratings on that review website. Each site uses a scale from 1-5, with 5 being the highest rating possible.

  • Green Boxes: Average Score is between 4-5
  • Yellow Boxes: Average Score is between 3.0-3.9
  • Red Boxes: Average Score is between 1.0-2.9
  • Clear Boxes: When there is no score to report for this doctor on this review site, the box remains blank

#: The "#" column lists the number of reviewers who posted ratings and reviews for each doctor on each review site.

TOTAL: The "Total" column is the product of the score and the number of reviewers.

GRAND TOTAL: The "Grand Total" column is the sum of the "Total" scores from each review site. Plastic surgeons are listed in order of their Grand Total Scores, from highest to lowest, within each section.

  • GREEN Grand Total Boxes: Grand Total Boxes are colored GREEN when the doctor received average scores of 4.0 or higher from each of the ratings sites that reported ratings for the doctor.
  • YELLOW Grand Total Boxes: Grand Total Boxes are colored YELLOW when the doctor received an average score of 3.0-3.9 from at least one of the ratings sites.
  • RED Grand Total Boxes: Grand Total Boxes are colored RED when the doctor received an average score of 1.0 to 2.9 from at least one of the ratings sites.

SECTIONS: Plastic surgeons were divided into three sections, based upon their Grand Total Box color:

  • GREEN Section: The plastic surgeons who received average ratings of 4.0 or higher from all source sites appear in the green section and are ranked from highest to lowest Grand Total within that section.
  • YELLOW Section: The plastic surgeons who received one or more average score of 3.0-3.9 appear in the yellow section and are ranked from highest to lowest Grand Total within that section.
  • RED Section: The plastic surgeons who received one or more average score below 3.0 appear in the red section and are ranked from highest to lowest Grand Total within that section.

EMPTY BOXES: Empty white boxes indicate that we were unable to find ratings for that doctor on that ratings site. There could be many reasons for this including that the ratings site used a different spelling or location for the doctor than the ones that the American Board of Plastic Surgery used; it could mean things, none of which would suggest that there is something wrong with the doctor. As such, empty boxes neither count for nor against a doctors' score on Top Plastic Surgeon Reviews.

Things to Make Note of as You Review the Tables

Plastic Surgeons on this Site: This website includes plastic surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Doctors who perform plastic surgery but who are not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery are not included on this site. Top Plastic Surgeon Reviews uses ABPS's website to determine which plastic surgeons are certified by ABPS (vs certified by another board) and which plastic surgeons are active (vs retired). With regard to the latter, ABPS' website is not infallible, so we sometimes include plastic surgeons who are retired, but who are still listed as active by ABPS. Evidently, retiring plastic surgeons routinely fail to notify the ABPS (as well as the ratings websites) that they have retired, so their inclusion on this site is inevitable unless we are informed otherwise. If you are aware that any of the plastic surgeons listed above have retired, then please let us know so that we may update our database.

Ratings Sites: There are sites beyond those listed here which provide physician reviews, but not all review sites could be included for practical reasons. The plastic surgery review sites which, in the opinion of, are the most popular and most pertinent were selected for this website. We have observed that the ratings and reviews for most plastic surgeons tend to be consistent across all ratings sites, so inclusion of additional sites would not likely change the ratings for most plastic surgeons in a significant way.

Few Ratings: Keep in mind that if a doctor has few ratings, this does not mean that the doctor is not a competent plastic surgeon. It may mean that the doctor does not perform as much surgery as the other doctors, or that the doctor has not been in practice as long, or that the doctor patients do not typically write online reviews, or a variety of other reasons.

Low Ratings: If a doctor has received ratings that placed the doctor in the yellow or red section, this also does not mean that s/he is not a good plastic surgeon. All it means is that they have one or more unfavorable ratings. And there are many reasons why good doctors can sometimes have unfavorable ratings including the following: 1) A complication or bad result (all plastic surgeons have them) which caused a patient to write one or more bad reviews. This may not mean that the doctor did anything wrong, even though the patient thought so. In other words, the same complications could have occurred no matter which plastic surgeon operated on the patient who wrote the unfavorable review(s). 2) Bad reviews placed fraudulently by someone wishing to damage the plastic surgeon's reputation (yes, this happens). In these cases, the plastic surgeon typically has little recourse with the ratings site, and they cannot do anything about it. 3) Misplaced ratings: There are cases in which a patient unintentionally rated the wrong doctor due to commonality of one doctor's name with another's. These situations are most obvious when the patient includes details of care indicating that the care was in a specialty different than that of the doctor who received the rating. 4) Occasionally, a doctor receives a glowing review and only one out of five stars from the patient who wrote the review. In these cases, the patient might have been thinking "#1" for "first place," but no one will ever know. In these situations the doctor's average score is pulled down by the rating, even though it should have been raised by receiving a high rating. There are many reasons why a low score does not necessarily correlate with the care that a doctor delivers. This is why visitors to this site should not attempt to read anything into a low score. Visitors should instead use this site as a gateway to the source sites (,,, and to see the ratings and read all of the reviews themselves. By visiting the source sites, a visitor will much more easily be able to interpret the validity of all scores.